News from the Motorcycle Action Group (MAG)
MAG calls for greater partnership-working and tougher action against bike crime in the West Midlands
Director of Campaigns & Political Engagement for the Motorcycle Action Group (MAG), Colin Brown, met Assistant Police & Crime Commissioner, Lynnette Kelly, this week to call for increased priority in tackling motorcycle crime in the West Midlands.
Despite recent dramatic increases in car theft, motorcyclists in the West Midlands are still eight times more likely to fall victim to theft than car owners. Recent reports also demonstrate rising levels of threatened violence and actual assaults by thugs targeting vulnerable riders whilst on their machines.
“Perception of vulnerability is very important to any individual, and bikers are no different” says Colin; “we all have a right to feel protected by the police. West Midlands bikers do not feel that the response to defend and protect them from this criminal behaviour is sufficient. They see reports of arrests, but it is often months before there is a prosecution, and there seems to be a complete lack of reported convictions in the West Midlands. This is doing nothing to give confidence to the biking community.”
MAG is calling for greater partnership-working to tackle the issue. In these days of austerity and stretched budgets we recognise the need for police forces to look to partnership initiatives to combat crime. MAG is up for the challenge and is already working on many initiatives of this sort around the country, but we can only achieve significant results where this kind of initiative is fully embraced and endorsed at a senior level. In the West Midlands, much great work is being done, but we feel there is potential for even more.
Colin added, “I am hopeful that today’s meeting will pave the way for a renewed and increased effort to bring the bike theft epidemic to an end.”